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Electricl Safety Tips

According to a recent estimate, approximately three people die each day in residential electrical-related incidences in the home. A great many of those are related to problems at the outlets, power cords and extension cords. To help reduce those numbers, United Cooperative Services is encouraging members to Plug Into Electrical Safety.

The latest statistics from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) show that between 1994 and 1998, an average of 165,380 electrical related home structure fires accounted for an annual average of 910 deaths, nearly 7,000 injuries and nearly $1.7 billion in property damage. In 2000, there were an estimated 150 accidental electrocutions related to consumer products, down from an annual average of approximately 173.

“The key to preventing potentially fatal, destructive and traumatic electrical fires, shock injuries and electrocution is awareness,” said Warren Stanley, United’s Job Training & Safety/Loss Control Director. “Before plugging into electricity, plug into electrical safety.”

The following are a few safety tips suggested by United and the Electrical Safety Foundation International:


Power cords and extension cords